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Covid-19 : 82 forms

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ELFE - French longitudinal study from childhood

Head : Charles Marie-Aline, “Elfe” INED-Inserm joint unit
Geay Bertrand, “Elfe” INED-INSERM joint unit

Version 4


Last update : 05/07/2021

ELFE - French longitudinal study from childhood

Head : Charles Marie-Aline, “Elfe” INED-Inserm joint unit
Geay Bertrand, “Elfe” INED-INSERM joint unit

Main objective

- Track changes in the child's living conditions (family, social environment, etc.) and measure their impact on his or her physical and mental
- Study the interactions between these living conditions and the child's school career
- Measure the impact of events during pregnancy and the child's health at birth on the latter's subsequent development
- Observe eating habits and their effects on growth (overweight, obesity)
- Assess the child's exposure to chemical, physical or environmental pollutants
- Measure the incidence and prevalence of childhood pathologies at different stages in growth
- Study associations between pathologies and exposure to environmental pollutants
Elfe is one of the two cohorts making up the RECO-NAI research platform, the other being Epipage
2. The general aim of this platform is to set up an infrastructure to support the collection, highly secure storage and distribution of data on pregnancy, birth and children. The platform will use the information yielded by the child cohorts, both followed from birth, to address key issues in the areas of children's health, development and socialization from an overarching, multidisciplinary perspective. It will also ensure that the cohorts are given a high profile in the world of academic research (French and international), as well as among bodies, organizations and manufacturers with an interest in children. This will ensure optimum use of the data collected and promote their dissemination.

Inclusion criteria

- Children born after 33 weeks of pregnancy
- single or twin pregnancy
- in mainland France
- mother aged 18 years and over

E4N - Epidemiological Study Concerning The Children of E3N Women

Head : Severi Gianluca, Inserm - CESP, Team "Health across Generations"

Version 6


Last update : 12/17/2020

E4N - Epidemiological Study Concerning The Children of E3N Women

Head : Severi Gianluca, Inserm - CESP, Team "Health across Generations"

Main objective

The familial E3N-E4N study purpose is to study health in relation to the modern way of life in people of the same family over three generations.

The E4N study aims to extend the E3N study by following the descendants of women who participated in the E3N study. The objective is to better understand the onset of major diseases, from genetics, family environment and the environment outside the family.

As well as gathering a large amount of prospective epidemiological data, E4N cohort permit the collection of important information concerning phenotypes and genetics.

Inclusion criteria

Women included in the E3N cohort (G1),
Fathers of E3N women's children (G1)
Sons and daughters of E3N women (G2),
Grandchildren of E3N women (G3).

TEMPO - Epidemiological trajectories in the population

Head : Maria Melchior, UMRS 1136 - Equipe de recherche en épidémiologie sociale (ERES)

Version 4


Last update : 01/12/2021

TEMPO - Epidemiological trajectories in the population

Head : Maria Melchior, UMRS 1136 - Equipe de recherche en épidémiologie sociale (ERES)

Main objective

General objective: study social health inequalities in mental health and addictive behaviors in young adults, accounting for individual and family characteristics.
Secondary objective: study health and health behaviours in young adults linked to their social, professional and family conditions.

In the context of the data collection in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic: analysis of the epidemic and lockdown consequences on mental health and addictive behaviours considering prior mental health and addictive behaviours and the evolution of economic and professional conditions during lockdown.

Inclusion criteria

Young adults (22-35 years old in 2009), with one of the parents participating to the GAZEL cohort

E3N Study - The French E3N Prospective Cohort Study

Head : Severi Gianluca, Inserm - Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations (CESP) - Team Exposome and Heredity
Boutron-Ruault Marie-Christine, Inserm - Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations (CESP) - Team Exposome and Heredity

Version 8


Last update : 12/17/2020

E3N Study - The French E3N Prospective Cohort Study

Head : Severi Gianluca, Inserm - Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations (CESP) - Team Exposome and Heredity
Boutron-Ruault Marie-Christine, Inserm - Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations (CESP) - Team Exposome and Heredity

Main objective

Detecting risk factors of cancer and chronic pathologies in women

Inclusion criteria

Women born between 1925 and 1950 and affiliated with MGEN (Mutuelle Générale de l'Education nationale)

BBCovid - Nasal and Salivary Detection of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus After Antiviral Mouthrinses

Head : CARROUEL Florence, Laboratory "Systemic Health Course", EA4129

Version 1


Last update : 01/06/2021

BBCovid - Nasal and Salivary Detection of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus After Antiviral Mouthrinses

Head : CARROUEL Florence, Laboratory "Systemic Health Course", EA4129

Main objective

Change from Baseline amount of SARS-CoV-2 in salivary samples at 7 days
Quantitative PCR experiments will be performed and a quantitative analysis of the salivary samples will be made

Inclusion criteria

• Age: 18-70 years
• Clinical diagnosis of Covid-19 infection by the patient's general practitioner and hospital doctor
• Clinical signs started less than 48 hours ago.
• Virological confirmation: not necessary but possible.
• Understanding and acceptance of the trial.
• Written agreement to participate in the trial

CONFIMIDs - Evaluation of the impact of the lockdown and easing of restrictions on the management of patients with inflammatory disease and immune disorders followed up as part of the FHU IMMINeNT project (rheumatology, dermatology, internal medicine, pulmonology, gastroenterology and neurology)


Version 1


Last update : 05/05/2021

CONFIMIDs - Evaluation of the impact of the lockdown and easing of restrictions on the management of patients with inflammatory disease and immune disorders followed up as part of the FHU IMMINeNT project (rheumatology, dermatology, internal medicine, pulmonology, gastroenterology and neurology)


Main objective

Estimate the frequency of patients, with chronic inflammatory disorders, followed up as part of the FHU IMMINeNT project (gastroenterology, rheumatology, dermatology, pulmonology, neurology, internal medicine), whose follow-up has been affected by the lockdown and easing of restrictions.

Inclusion criteria

All adult patients followed up as part of the FHU project for:
- Chronic inflammatory bowel disease or IBD (Crohn’s disease and
ulcerative colitis),
- Rheumatic disorders (rheumatoid
arthritis and spondyloarthritis)
- Multiple sclerosis
- Asthma
- Psoriasis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Systemic auto-immune disease (scleroderma and lupus)

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